Research Fields



Applied Labor Economics

Policy Evaluation

Digital Transformation



Family Economics

Working Papers & Work in Progress

Effects of Broadband Diffusion and Adoption among Micro-Firms

with Giulia Canzian and Davide Aloini

Publications, refereed

Germany's Capacity to Work from Home

with Jean-Victor Alipour and Oliver Falck,

European Economic Review:151,104354, 2023,

DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104354


Neither backlash nor convergence: dynamics of intra-couple childcare division during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany

with Christina Boll and Dana Müller,

Journal for Labour Market Research 57(27), 2023,

DOI: 10.1186/s12651-023-00353-8


Ethnic Spatial Dispersion and Immigrant Identity

with Amelie F. Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann,

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, forthcoming 2023,

DOI: 10.1080/14765284.2023.2220271


Parents under stress: Evaluating emergency childcare policies during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany

with Hannah S. Steinberg,

Labour Economics 78, 102217, 2022,

DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102217


The Economic Well-Being of Nonresident Fathers and Custodial Mothers Revisited: The Role of Paternal Childcare

with Christina Boll,

Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 2022,

DOI: 10.1007/s10834-022-09876-7


Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Economic Integration

with Tanika Chakraborty

IZA World of Labor: 287, 2022,

DOI: 10.15185/izawol.287.v2


Von solitären Interneteltern und gemeinschaftsorientierten Fernsehfamilien. Eine Typologie digitaler Mediennutzung in Familien

with Claudia Zerle-Elsäßer, Alexandra Langmeyer, Thorsten Naab and Stephan Heuberger,

Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization 41(4), 413–431, 2021.


Internet and Voting in the Social Media Era: Evidence from a Local Broadband Policy

with Samuele Poy

Research Policy 49(1), Article 103861, 2020,

DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2019.103861


Beyond The Average: Ethnic Capital Heterogeneity and Intergenerational Transmission of Education

with Tanika Chakraborty and Klaus F. Zimmermann,

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 163(July 2019), 551–569, 2019,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2019.04.004


Broadband Upgrade and Firm Performance in Rural Areas: Quasi-experimental Evidence

with Giulia Canzian and Samuele Poy,

Regional Science and Urban Economics 77, 87–103, 2019,

DOI: 10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2019.03.002


The Drowning-Refugee Effect: Media Salience and Xenophobic Attitudes

with Silvia De Poli and Niklas Jakobsson

Applied Economics Letters 24(16), 1167–1172, 2017,

DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2016.1262513


The Effects of 9/11 on Attitudes Toward Immigration and the Moderating Role of Education

Kyklos 69(4), 604–632, 2016,

DOI: 10.1111/kykl.12122


The 9/11 Conservative Shift

Economics Letters 135, , 80–84, 2015,

DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2015.07.031


Parental Ethnic Identity and Educational Attainment of Second-Generation Immigrants

Journal of Population Economics  28(4), 9651004, 2015,

DOI: 10.1007/s00148-015-0559-7


Kick It Like Özil? Decomposing the Native-Migrant Education Gap

with Annabelle Krause and Ulf Rinne,

International Migration Review 49(3), 757–789, 2015,



Evidence and Persistence of Education Inequality in an Early-Tracking System – The German Case

with Annabelle Krause,

Scuola Democratica 2, 2014,

DOI: 10.12828/77684


Ethnic Diversity and Labor Market Success (Ethnische Vielfalt und Arbeitsmarkterfolg)

with Ulf Rinne and Klaus F. Zimmermann,

Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung/ Journal for Labor Market Research 44(1), 81–89, 2011.

Publications, non-refereed

Zementiertes Rollenverhalten in der Fürsorge für Kinder, trotz Pandemie – Eine Herausforderung für die Familien- und Gleichstellungspolitik

with Christina Boll and Dana Müller,

ifo Schnelldienst, 75(10), 28–33, 2022


Aufteilung der Sorge- und Erwerbsarbeit zwischen Frauen und Männern: In der Pandemie ändern sich Geschlechterrollen kaum

with C. Globisch, D. Müller, M. Fuchs, B. Christoph, V. Danneck, S. Dummert, M. Volkert, A. Abendroth, S. Anger, C. Boll, T. Carstensen, L. Fervers, L. Hipp, M. Jacob, V. Knize, M. Kreyenfeld, Y. Lott, T. Naujoks, A. Sauermann, and L. Tobler,

IAB-Kurzbericht 5/2022


Wiring the Labor Market Revisited: Working from Home in the Digital Age

with Jean-Victor Alipour, Oliver Falck, and Alexandra Mergener,

CESifo Forum 21(3), 10–14, 2020


Homeoffice während der Pandemie und die Implikationen für eine Zeit nach der Krise

with Jean-Victor Alipour and Oliver Falck,

ifo Schnelldienst 73(7), 30–36, 2020.


Quo vadis paarinterne Arbeitsteilung post coronam?

with Christina Boll,

Wirtschaftsdienst 100(7), 556–558, 2020,

DOI: 10.1007/s10273-020-2703-6


Maschinelles Lernen in der ökonomischen Forschung

with Matthias Huber, Marc Stöckli and Klaus Wohlrabe

ifo Schnelldienst 71(7), 50–53, 2018.


Querschnittstechnologie Internet – Universallösung für den Arbeitsmarkt der Zukunft?

with Oliver Falck,

Wirtschaftsdienst  96(8), 609–613, 2016,

DOI: 10.1007/s10273-016-2023-z


Schulkarrieren: Die soziale Herkunft ist wichtiger als der Migrationshintergrund

ith Annabelle Krause and Ulf Rinne,

PERSONALquarterly 03/13, 21–25, 2013.